Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy:

  • If you have to cancel an order, please do so within 24 hours of placing the order.
  • If you cancel your order before your product has shipped, we will refund the entire amount subject to deduction of charges if any.
  • If you cancel your order after the shipment but before receipt of the item, we will refund the entire amount subject to deduction of the two-way shipping costs.
  • If an order is to be cancelled after shipment, then please follow our Return/Refund Policy.
  • All cancellations are subject to a cancellation charge/bank transaction charge.
  • There may be circumstances when the company might have to cancel a particular order due to some internal or technical issues.
  • Your receipt of an electronic or another form of order confirmation does not signify our final acceptance of your order and we reserve the right to accept or decline your order at any time for some genuine reasons.
  • Even though we keep good stock inventory, sometimes in case if any shortage occurs regarding any product in your order, we will inform you via telephone or email or mobile text. In all such cases, we have the right to either supply you less than the quantity you ordered or cancel your order with prior notice to you.